Home Interships Glossary Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

What are Learning Objectives?

Learning Objectives are succinct, clear, and actionable statements that detail what the intern will know or be able to accomplish by the end of the internship. They function as a roadmap, ensuring both the intern and the organization remain aligned in terms of what's expected and what's being offered.

Crafting Effective Learning Objectives:

  • Specificity

    Each objective should focus on a single skill or knowledge area. Instead of "Learn about marketing," an effective objective might be "Understand the basics of content marketing analytics."

  • Measurability

    Objectives should be framed in a manner where success can be quantified or assessed. For instance, "Draft three blog posts on industry trends" offers a clear metric.

  • Achievability

    While objectives should push interns to grow, they must also be realistic given the internship's timeframe and resources.

  • Relevance

    The objectives should tie into the intern's broader career goals and the company's mission. This ensures the experience is mutually beneficial.

  • Time-bound

    There should be a clear timeline, whether it's a mid-internship review or an end-of-term assessment, to evaluate progress.

Why Are Learning Objectives Vital in Internships?

  • Direction and Focus: They provide interns with a clear direction and focus, ensuring they know what to prioritize.

  • Performance Measurement: Organizations and interns can evaluate performance based on pre-set objectives, ensuring transparency in feedback.

  • Enhanced Engagement: With clear goals, interns tend to be more engaged and proactive in seeking out learning opportunities.

  • Ensures Value: Internships are a two-way street. Clear objectives ensure that while organizations gain assistance and fresh perspectives, interns also walk away with tangible skills and knowledge.


Who sets the learning objectives for an internship?

Typically, learning objectives are collaboratively set by the employer and the intern. While the organization will have a general framework, it's essential for the intern to voice their goals and aspirations to ensure a tailored experience.

Can learning objectives be modified during the internship?

Absolutely! As the internship progresses, both parties may realize certain objectives need to be adjusted, whether it's due to unexpected challenges, evolving company needs, or the intern's swift progress.


Learning objectives are the silent architects of a successful internship, ensuring the experience is structured, valuable, and aligned with broader professional goals. For companies and interns alike, investing time in crafting and revisiting these objectives can significantly elevate the quality of the internship.